Monday, July 19, 2010

Sabaskong Bay 2010

The planning was complete and the boats were packed and off to Morson, Ontario to fish my favorite body of water Lake of the Woods - Sabaskong Bay Area. We had three boats headed North and all of us were filled with anxiety to get on the water.

If you remember last year it was just Joe, my Dad Steve, and I that went on this trip. It was a trip filled with unbelievable walleye fishing. It was also a time when our Dad told us that our Mom, Suzette, was battling cancer. Since the trip last year most of you know our Mom is now in Heaven looking down on us. Before each fishing trip she always said, "Make a Memory!" and for this 2010 trip our intentions were to do just that.

Here is the link to last year's photos and story Sabaskong Bay 2009

We arrived at Mylies Place and of course greeted as we drove in by Justin and the crew. The fishing reports were good so if you know me I was chomping at the bit to rip some lip. So, yes I probably rushed everyone to hurry up to get on the water! Justin got the boats in the water right away, we got licenses for those who didn't have them, picked up some bait, unpacked the trucks and off to paradise we went.


Lake of the Woods is over seventy miles long and wide, and contains more than 14,552 islands and 65,000 miles (105,000 km) of shoreline. It would amount to the longest coastline of any Canadian lake, except that the lake is not entirely within Canada. Lake of the Woods is also the 6th largest freshwater lake located (at least partially) in the United States- after the five Great Lakes. So there is not shortage of spots to fish.

Day #1

We headed out and stopped on a reef where we had caught most of the big fish last year and also named, "The Suzette Reef" in memory of our Mom after our trip last year. We boated a few small fish and off we went. Our goal was to put some fish in the boat for a fish fry and also to get the itch of setting the hook off my back. We headed to Miles Bay area and stopped on some of my old honey holes and put a bunch of eaters in the boat. As we were fishing the wind and weather took a turn for the worst. So we decided to stay in this area as moving from spot to spot was pretty rough and we where catching fish. Here's a few photos from the calm spot!

(click on photo for larger picture)

This is Leah, Jason's Daughter, putting a hurt bag on the keeper walleyes!

After a great evening of fishing we decided to head back to get things figured out in the cabin and clean fish. Well it wasn't that easy. We had to cross a large section of water in which the wind was coming across at 30 to 35 mph. We battled some waves that where close to 7 feet and made our way home. I wasn't too worried as the ol Crestliner 202 and Mercury 250 Verado kept us safe. We cleaned a big bag of super jumbo perch and walleyes.

Day #2

Leah, Jason, and Joe hopped in my boat for the day. We went out caught a few walleyes and Leah said she wanted to catch a musky and let me tell you this girl can cast with the best of them. We fished some of my really good musky spots with out a follow. I couldn't believe it as I was frustrated with the high wind and tough bite I couldn't fish several of my other really good spots. We fished through out the day a mix of walleye and musky spots with catching again keeper walleyes but no muskies. This girl wanted a musky and was determined. On the way in we decided to make one last stop. We were gabbing away when from the depths a large fish came up and crushed my topwater lure. "Got her, Leah get back here!" I said. I gave her the rod and she did battle like a pro. I grabbed the net and scooped a monster fish. We took a few quick photos and let Leah's first musky go.

OH did I mention it was a 50 incher......

Day #3

My buddies Erik and Derek said we want a musky! So we got up early and headed out to hunt for another musky. The wind was again rockin and we were so limited to where we could fish. First spot Derek had a mid forty incher turn on the figure 8 and it looked like it nipped the bait but it was so tough to see in the rough choppy water. We fished several more spots with not much moving. Again frustrated with wind we headed back to the camp to eat some lunch.

Jason, Joe and Leah hopped back into my boat as Leah said she wanted another musky. So I went to an area I hadn't fished much and looked to the sky and asked Mom to give me some wisdom on where this fish are bitting. As tough as the bite is I always believe there a fish bitting somewhere on the lake you just have to figure them out. Well we did just that. Our first spot Leah had a musky eat her topwater bait on three different times and didn't get hooks. We continued down the spot and she had another fish bite and didn't get hooks. We caught two really nice pike and the lake was starting to show some true colors!

So feeling pretty dialed into where and what the fish wanted to eat we found another spot similar to the last and it didn't take long. Leah had yet another fish come right up to the boat and try to eat again. Holy Buckets that was three bites in under an hour. We turned back to make another pass and older brother Jason sets the hook as a monster chomped his bait. This fish made a huge jump and I said, "Yep that's a big one!" and the battle was on. Joe grabbed the net and stretched out to get the monster in the net.

After a few loud cheers we got her unhooked and took a photo and let the monster go. The fished was Jason's second musky ever and his first fish over 50, that measured 52 inches. Wow!

A tough musky bite turned pretty good really really really fast. We continued to fish with not a boat in site and ended up losing three or four other bites. The fish were hitting the topwater baits so hard it was pretty tough to get them hooked but Jason was all smiles.

It was getting dark so we decided to work our way back. Jason said, "One more spot!" We all agreed and it didn't take long and the water again was flying. Jason hooked into another fish and I think the whole lake heard it!!! I grabbed the net and Joe grabbed the camera and we netted a cute mid 40 incher.

What a great day! Did I mention it was my Birthday and I think this is the 6th time I have put a fish in my boat over 50 inches on my birthday. So who wants to go fishing next year on July 17? Although we had lost some nice fish we were pretty pumped to get out for the final day. We had some birthday cupcakes I was ready for bed!

Day #4

Today my Dad said he wanted to catch a musky! So it was one of my best buds Erik "Hopper", my Dad and I out to find one of these crazy fish. It didn't take long. About the 10 cast in I watch my Dad's bait get chowed with a pretty good grunt he sets the hook and the battle was on and as soon as I went for the net it was off. It was another monster and this would have been my Dad's first fish that he hooked by himself and probably his first 50 incher. We continued to cast a little defeated but not to defeated as it was my Dad's third cast after the water again erupts and he was hooked up. This time he was to going to be denied and my Dad's first fish was in the net! A beautiful 47 incher!

A few photos and back at it! Joe, Leah and Jason pulled up to say hi and at this point I was casting. We were sitting jabbering about the fish my Dad had just caught when a fish came up slurped my bait underwater and I was hooked up. This fish went ballistic with violent head shakes causing the water go everywhere. I yelled at my Dad and said come get the rod, I knew it was a monster! He took the rod and this fish was a fighter. Made some huge runs and finally with a quick scoop my Dad had landed a 50 incher. Hopper and my brother Joe, who was in the other boat, took some fighting shots. We got her unhooked, some photos, and back in the water. This fish was a super tanker! I'm not too sure but these fish must be on the same diet as I am because they are chunky!

That same day Jason boated another 44 incher which was his third fish for the trip and Joe had a fish that he said was close to 60 inches bite but missed the bait. This same fish followed several times before it bit so they saw her really good. Hopper also had a chance at one later in the day and so did my Dad.

(Joe and Hopper both took some pretty awesome pictures)

So a Memory was made! Thanks Mom for looking down and giving us the wisdom in finding these fish. Yes we lost a lot of fish and yes we couldn't fish our good walleye spots because of the wind but we put three fish over 50 inches in the boat along with some other super nice fish.

If you guys are looking for a spot to get away let me recomend my friends at Mylie's Place. Their goal is very clear and that is to make your trip comfortable and fun. The cabins are clean, up to date, and they have all the necessities at their store and Justin will put you on fish. Please visit their website at Mylie's Place click here

Thanks to everyone for a great trip!

1 comment:

  1. Hey This is AMY.. Jeff!!! THANKS SO MUCH for showing her a good time... AND for the pics!! They're amazing.. Nana was definitely smiling down on you all this weekend.
    HAPPY BELATED Birthday too.. If you have room next year we would for sure be up for a trip. Lexi wouldn't want to miss it either :)


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